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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Full time parent & Full time employee where's the balance?

I started back working December 2010 after being out of work for almost 2 years and it took a lot of adjusting yet I kept at it and I'm doing better at it today. First of all there are not enough hours in the day!!! Taking kids to school and day care then getting up enough strength to get yourself to your destination is a bit much! Then you get off of work you may or may not have to pick the kids up depending on dads schedule. You have to cook dinner, help kids with homework, entertain baby, find out how everyone's day was, make sure everyone eats, make sure they are bathed, and in bed. When its all said and done you only have enough strength to get you in the bed and then you wake up to do it all over again!! Where's the time for you? Where's the time for your spouse? How can this be a successful situation? Any suggestions I would love to know your opinions!